Friday, September 3, 2010


They say sleep is the cousin of death,

But I can’t seem to stop my eyes from rolling to this place where emotions lie.

I blinked twice and I saw your face,

Hoping this time my words wouldn’t run you away.

‘cause this race that I’m running has no imaginary finish line,

And I’m feeling that once I get there you won’t explain why you left me behind.

I stopped to catch my breath ‘cause I thought we were moving fast.

I felt my lungs collapse ‘cause I couldn’t carry this deadly mass.

I asked you for help, but you unwillingly grabbed my heart and put the pieces back together in the dark.

I couldn’t fathom that once you helped me stand, you immediately started running without me in hand.

You finished one race without me and started another, and didn’t care that I was stuck there in trouble.

I was drowning in death’s cousin, and you made this place my home.

Allowing me to fall as you freely roamed.

Then that’s when I woke up and realized,

That this place is where all my true emotions lie…

*your true emotions live when you’re dreaming… So, WAKE UP!*

~Poetic Melodee